How to choose a solar installer to finance b2b – Ask questions?

You might be thinking about how to choose a solar installer to finance B2B. It is essential to balance the budget and workflow. That is why many businesses are slowly moving towards adopting solar systems. It will not only save electricity bills but also qualify for a government rebate, which is beneficial in B2B (business to business).

There are many examples of corporate companies or manufacturing plants that have installed rooftop solar systems and are saving a huge amount on their monthly bills. This will also help decrease electricity consumption and carbon footprint.

What are the parameters, and how do you choose a solar installer to finance B2B?

There are several parameters that one is to check before approaching any solar company which is mentioned below:

Solar installer’s brand

It is essential to understand the brand value. However, it is not always mandatory that only well-recognized brands sell quality products, but it gives an idea of its market value. There are few points that one has to check before moving ahead like:

  • Number of projects done before
  • Are they capable of delivering the big project
  • Time constraints: Will they complete the installations and operation process on time or not
  • Read the company’s portfolio


When it comes to solar installers, it’s crucial to remember that they’re not all cut from the same cloth. Some are experts in residential installations, while others have honed their skills in large-scale commercial projects. For businesses seeking a B2B partnership, it’s essential to focus on companies with a dedicated commercial solar division. This ensures that the installer’s expertise aligns perfectly with your business’s needs.

Financing Options

Solar installations are a significant investment, especially for businesses. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the details of the proposed financing options. This understanding is vital to making a financially sound decision for your business.

  • Leases – You pay a fixed monthly rate, regardless of how much power the system produces.
  • PPAs – You pay a set rate for the power the system generates, potentially saving more if the system overproduces.
  • Loans – Like any loan, terms and rates can vary widely. Look for options that offer the best balance for your financial situation.

ROI and payback period projections

Your solar installer should not just sell you a system but also a financial roadmap.

  • Expect detailed projections on ROI and payback periods.
  • Demand transparent breakdowns of costs, savings, and performance estimates.

Assessing technology and equipment

The backbone of your solar project lies in the technology and equipment used.

  • Ensure the installer partners with reputable manufacturers.
  • Look for warranties and guarantees that protect your investment.

Customers Feedback

Before choosing any solar installer, it is essential to know the public reviews and feedback. Nowadays, in this digital era, most information is already available online. If anyone is finding difficulty getting the company’s review in person, then they can check it online, for example, on social media, YouTube, or any review site.

Warranty and maintenance packages

A solar PV system is a long-term investment, and you’ll want assurance that your system will be cared for throughout its lifespan. Understand what the warranty covers and for how long, and whether maintenance is included or available as an added service.

Certifications and licenses

This one’s non-negotiable. Ensure your installer has all the necessary qualifications, such as U.S. NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners) certification and state-specific licenses.

Post-installation support

The relationship with your solar installer should continue after the installation.

  • Comprehensive maintenance and monitoring services are essential.
  • Availability for post-installation queries and support reflects their commitment to customer service.

Commitment to sustainability

In choosing a solar installer, their environmental ethos should align with yours.

  • Investigate their sustainability practices, from green office policies to recycling programs.
  • A genuine commitment to the environment strengthens the partnership.


Hence, as a solar consultant, I can suggest that if any businesses or corporations are looking for a quick solution rather than self-analyzing and doing research on solar installers, they can approach any solar consultant who can guide them and acknowledge their requirements and the right solar installation company.

Questions you may ask from solar installer

  • Can you provide a detailed proposal, including an estimate of energy production and financial models?
  • What financing options do you offer, and can you explain the pros and cons of each for my specific situation?
  • How do you handle permits, and what assistance do you provide for securing incentives or rebates?
  • What’s your process for handling maintenance and warranty issues?

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